Welcome back!
This week in....
Kindergarten- we did some fun warm ups with our voices to get started. We listened to a story about two friends called "Wiggle and Waggle" and worked on moving our voices up and down. We listened and move to a fun song called "Doot, doot" and also practiced moving and freezing to music.
1st/2nd grade- we review ALL of our musical opposites, including: loud and soft, fast and slow, high and low, long and short, steady and not steady. We listened to many varying musical examples and wrote down answer to musical opposite questions on our white boards. We also learned how to draw the note "la" on the music staff.
3rd/4th grade- we reviewed several recorder songs and learned the next song in the Recorder Karate series, "Merrily We Roll Along." We took a 7-step process to learn this new song:
1. Listen to it.
2. Sing it with the printed words.
3. Sing it with the letter names of the notes.
4. Sing the letter names and do the fingerings on recorder.
5. Practice individual measures/tough spots.
6. Play the song slowly without the recording.
7. Play the song with the recording.
Try it to learn or re-learn any song!
We also began learning to sing "Count on Me" in preparation for our spring concert on May 8th- very fun! Here is a link to the video, as I promised to the kids:
"Count on Me" -Bruno Mars
5th grade- we reviewed several recorder songs and also tried some sight-reading, which means playing a song right away without working through it first. We also reviewed our sign language for the song "Win", which we will be performing at our spring concert on May 9th. We learned an African song called "Tue, tue", and also a tricky cup passing game to go along with the song.
Enjoy the weekend!